* front matter * 0 layers of nesting (no parts) * back matter
Designed for a school, company, or organization that wants to include their name, logo, and colors throughout the PDF. Because of its exstensive use of colors, it’s usually best viewed from a computer or handheld device.
Easier content editing because there are no nesting parts.
All hyperlinks converted into footnotes
The title page can include your organization’s name, project title, issue number, list of authors, and an introductory paragraph.
Each article includes just its title and content
Page Layout
The default title page includes a stylized banner (with customizable color) above a colored background featuring a large version of your company logo.
Main matter pages fade from white to a color of your choosing in the corner where your logo and page number are shown.
Page numbers in bottom-right corner, and article titles in the top-right. Front-matter’s pages are numbered with Roman numerals
Each article begins on a new page
Back matter uses your large company logo with background color