7. Classic Word Document

ByMike Nelson
Supports* front matter
* 1 layer of nesting (each article can be put in a part)
* back matter


Similar to Print My Blog Quick Print’s other “Classic” designs, except optimized for reading by Microsoft Word. Useful when you need to deliver your content as a Microsoft Word Document (like to an editor), or for using as an intermediate format for delivery to other applications (like for importing into Adobe InDesign).

A table of contents is generated and inserted at the requested location. Once in Microsoft Word, right click on the table of contents and click “Update Field”; or press Ctrl + A, then F9.

Images may be bundled into the Word Document file so they can be used offline or if the website hosting the images goes offline.

Image galleries are rearranged into a simple list of images which displays better on smaller devices.

If there are any features or options you want, please get in touch.


  • Supports nesting articles (like posts and pages) into “parts”
  • External hyperlinks (links to web pages not in the project) may be left as working hyperlinks or removed
  • Internal hyperlinks (links to content included in the project) may be converted into links to the appropriate page of the document, left as hyperlinks to the website, or removed.
  • The default title page can include: Project Title, Subtitle, Site URL, Date Printed, Credit to Print My Blog
  • Each article can include: Title, ID, Author, URL, Date Published, Categories and Tags, Featured Image, Excerpt, Custom Fields, Content
  • All images are automatically included in the Word Document file (instead of merely pointing to the external image source). This makes the filesize larger, but allows users to view images while disconnected from the Internet.
  • Small images are automatically centered
  • Image galleries are converted into regular list of images, which look better on small screens.

Page Layout

Each article begins on a new page.

“Title Page Content” controls what content goes into the eBook’s title page.
“Post Content” settings control what content goes into each article in the eBook.
“Internal Hyperlinks” controls hyperlinks to other posts included in the project. “Remove” converts them into regular text, “Leave as hyperlink to website” leaves them as links to the posts on your website, and “Leave as hyperlink to document” makes them like a bookmark to the page in the document containing the linked-to post.
“External Hyperlinks” controls hyperlinks to posts not included in the project and other webpages. “Remove” converts them to regular text, “Leave as hyperlink” preserves them as hyperlinks.

Generic Settings

“Apply Website Theme” will let your current theme help style the generated file. Generally themes are not well-suited to print and require significant customization to work, so we generally suggest you leave it unchecked. If you decide to check it on, you will need to have a business license in order to receive help resolving layout issues. So again, it’s usually recommended to leave it off. (The most common reason people want to use their theme is because they like the font, but adding a custom font to your design is usually easier than resolving all the theme’s print layout issues.)
“Custom CSS” is CSS code to be used only in files PMB Pro generates; it won’t be used anywhere else on your website. Because PMB Pro uses Prince CSS, use any CSS from the official Prince documentation.