Print My Blog (PMB) Pro temporarily disables your website’s active theme while generating the Print Page, but this setting can be adjusted on each design’s customization settings.
The setting is called “Apply Website Theme”. It’s found on each design’s customization settings step, which can be accessed in several ways.
Once, you’re on the design’s customization page,
- scroll down to “Apply Website Theme”
- check it to apply your website’s theme to the generated Print Page; uncheck it to continue disabling the theme while generating the Print Page
- Save

Most themes do a poor job of preparing content for paged media (e.g. print), which is why themes are disabled by default when generating the Print Page. If your content is theme agnostic this works fine, but if your content uses shortcodes or blocks registered by your theme, then they will probably give an error.
For this reason, if you’re getting an error generating the print page, try checking “Apply Website Theme” on your design and try generating again.
Note: by checking “Apply Website Theme”, the theme’s styles applied to the generated documents might not look very good in print, or you might want the docuents to look less like the front-end of your website. Resolving these styling issues can be quite time-consuming. PMB staff only support resolving these issues for Business License holders. Others are free to try to resolve these issues by adding custom CSS.