For my plugin Print My Blog, I have created both an online user manual (using the plugin BasePress), as well as a digital PDF manual, printed book, and ePub eBook (all three with Print My Blog). Why? Because each format is preferred by different people in different situations. Foremost: websites are great for finding quick […]
Using BasePress and Print My Blog
PMB 3 Released to, a temporary 50% discount is available, Lots more Documentation, and plans to present at WPCampus with a Competitor
Print My Blog Pro Released!
Print My Blog Pro is now fully launched, and a 50% discount is available until June 18th.
PMB Pro Promotion ended, improved javascript rendering, more free features in free, introduced Bulk Pricing and a new homepage and pricing page
PMB Pro Released with 70% discount! Added filtering by categories, and shared books made with PMB Pro.
Lastly, some thoughts on selling
Prep for PMB Pro Release and to All Founding Members and thoughts pricing and licensing
PMB Pro is making watermark-free PDFs, I analyze survey 3 results about pricing, and introduce the PMB Pro User Guide
Print My Blog Survey 3 Results
I’m again sharing the results from the latest survey of Founding Members (both for input, and in case it’s useful to someoneelse). I previously shared Survey 1’s results, but didn’t bother with survey 2 as it was mostly primarily bug reports from users’ first tests. I’m going to refrain from explaining the results or saying […]
PMB Pro gets Freemius integration and PMB Central is in the works