This is my second monthly transparency report regarding development of Print My Blog WordPress plugin. For me, the most exciting developments this month has been hearing how folks are using Print My Blog. If you use it, please let me know on Twitter, through my contact page, or through a review on What Happened […]
Stats and discussion about April’s progress developing the WordPress plugin Print My Blog. Benefits other plugin devs, plugin users, and (let’s be honest) myself.
Have you ever been on a plugin page, and seen a link saying “Donate to this plugin”? You probably didn’t click it. Nearly none of us do. But why not? You probably think you should, but something is preventing you. In this article, I explore the reasons we rarely donate to software we depend on, and what can be done about it.
Where Did This Come From? I was previously putting my weekly updates for Print My Blog, the WordPress plugin, on the Open Collective page. But I don’t think anyone saw them (although I wasn’t sure, I didn’t have access to any analytics), it didn’t seem as usable from my phone (which is important when I […]
So you have a blog to share your stories with friends, family, and the world. Great. But will it still exist in 50 years? How about 100? Most likely it will fall victim to the “Digital Dark Age“, and won’t be available. Your grandfather’s memoirs written on paper might be more accessible than your blog. […]
I used to make my transparency on plugin development reports right in Open Collective, but I really prefer to keep them on my blog, like I outlined last time. So here’s all my old reports compounded into one blog post. Reports From Open Collective 1.6.3, updated description, and comments feedback published on March 29, […]
Will your blog survive the Digital Dark Age? Print My Blog is a WordPress Plugin aimed at helping your blog’s content be around for future generations.