This is an interesting use-case interview with Angela Telford, a therapist teaching about visual reflexology and the owner of She shares how she used Print My Blog (PMB) to create an ePub eBook from her membership site. While membership sites have their place, Angela found herself doing a lot of technical support for members, […]
Tag: eBook

Mark Scheerer’s experience and lessons learned publishing his book “The Zeigeist Beat” to Amazon using Print My Blog
Version 3.10.0 of Print My Blog (PMB) added the ePub eBook export format, so you can create eBooks to conveniently read from handheld devices and sell on book marketplaces like Amazon, Kobo, Apple Books, etc. In this short tutorial, I’ll show how to create an eBook from an existing project created in PMB. First, go […]
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use Print My Blog plugin and dotEPUB browser extension to convert an entire WordPress blog or website into an eBook. Why would I want an eBook of My Blog? Blogs are great, but eBooks can be read offline keep track of your progress allow you to highlight […]