This is an interesting use-case interview with Angela Telford, a therapist teaching about visual reflexology and the owner of She shares how she used Print My Blog (PMB) to create an ePub eBook from her membership site. While membership sites have their place, Angela found herself doing a lot of technical support for members, […]
Category: Interviews
This is an interesting use-case interview with Philip Gust from the International Costumers’ Guild. He shares how his non-profit streamlines their publishing process using Print My Blog to cut down on costs and reduce repetitive tasks when publishing to their blog and periodically compiling them into print and digital editions of the newsletter. Please introduce […]

Mark Scheerer’s experience and lessons learned publishing his book “The Zeigeist Beat” to Amazon using Print My Blog
This is an interview with the head of documentation at Heredis Genealogy software on how they use Print My Blog