This is the 48th monthly report for Print My Blog (PMB) WordPress plugin, documenting my journey to be fairly compensated for my time and reach 10,000 active installs.
💰 $ 14,603.88/40,335.28(fairly compensated for time)
🖥4,????/10,000 active installs (on-par with other print button plugins)
What Happened This Month

Mailing List Stats
Stats from my MailChimp mailing list.

Website Visits
Stats from my site’s Koko analytics (don’t need no Google Analytics, thank you!)

Freemius Stats

Subscription renewal amounts were up quite a lot.


Finances and More Plugin Stats
The Details
Added Admin Print Buttons

A business client had requested a quicker way for their clients to make Word Documents from custom post types, I’ve been hoping to add that for a while, and I see it as a step towards improved front-end print buttons, so took the plunge and made it happen.
So, from any post, page, or custom post type, there are now buttons to generate a print page for each format (Digital PDF, Print-Ready PDF, ePub eBook, and Word Document). The buttons appear on both the post editing page, as well as the post list page.

I admit the buttons can be a bit cluttery, so there’s an option to remove them for any formats and post types desired. The settings are on PMB’s “Settings” page,

I decided to default to showing the buttons on all post types and include all formats seeing how I see this being useful for most plugin users and in-line with the plugin’s purpose.
However, I’m ready to admit I’m wrong, although no one has commented on these new links. (The number of active installs reported on WordPress.org fell from 5,xxx to 4,xxx this month though, so maybe users “voted with their feet”, but I think that may have been coincidence.)
New “Designs” Page

Along with the new Admin Print Buttons, there’s now a need to change the default design for each format (because the Admin Print Buttons always use the default design.)
Changing the default design can be done from the designs page by clicking “Make Default” next to any design. Hopefully that’s simple enough.
There’s also a link to “Customize” a design from here, which takes you to a page just like the “Customize xx Design” on a Pro Print project. This is just so users of these Admin Print Buttons don’t have to jump through any hoops to customize a design (like make a dummy project and edit its design.)
So far no one’s complained about this new page. I hope it’s an asset.
Mayer Magazine Adds “Post Content” Setting
The Mayer Magazine got an signficant new feature: an option to edit what post content is included for each post in a project.

The options for Post Content are just like they are on all the classic designs: post title, ID, author, published date, categories and tags, URL, featured image, excerpt, custom fields, and content.
This was requested nicely from a user and it turned out to be pretty easy.
I had originally thought “Mayer Magazine is an opinonated design, if you want to change what post content it includes, you need to talk to a designer.” But I’m coming around to how easy customization options like this are helpful, because getting a designer or coder to edit a bunch of HTML and PHP files is an order of magnitude more work.
I’m open to adding many more of the Classic Designs’ settings to the non-Classic Designs (e.g., control of page dimensions, margins, etc.) but just need to prioritize it.
Thinking Out Loud
4,xxx installs to 5,xxx

😠PMB got bumped down to 4,000 active installs this month. It happened (maybe coincidentally) after introducing Admin Print Buttons, so it’s possible it was a backlash to that. Or it might be a coincidence: active install growth has been slow basically ever since I introduced PMB Pro.
Does this mean the plugin is abandoned? Fortunately, plugin revenue is steadily improving still. So I’m not sure how much to worry about this. I hope finally improving front-end print buttons (the most popular use of PMB) will help improve active installs.
What’s Next?
Hopefully migrating from MailChimp to Mautic. It will be a bit technical, but nice to get automated emails back up, and I think MailChimp priced itself out.