This month the Pro proof-of-concept supports custom post types, rearranging posts, table of contents, page references, and automatic footnotes. The free version got WPML support.
Tag: founding members
This month the Facebook group was launched, there are more options for how to place print buttons, and I almost have a prototype of PMB Pro.
This month I added print buttons to pages, reached 50 survey respondents, and am developing the pro version.
In May Founding Members grew significantly, I shared survey results, added saveable print button settings, and allowed site owners to print draft posts and those of other statuses.
This month I announced the Pro plugin release plan and invited readers to become Founding Members of Print My Blog Pro.
Pro WordPress Plugin Release Plan
My business plan for the first few months of developing, then releasing, Print My Blog Pro.
Why Should I “Print My Blog?”
The Reason Behind the WordPress Plugin Print My Blog