This tutorial will show you how to copy and paste the contents of your entire WordPress blog/website into Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or basically any program.
Category: Free
Posts about the free version of Print My Blog
“Print My Blog” 2.0 adds the option to place print buttons onto your posts. This lets visitors convert a post into paper, PDF, or eBook for easier reading, sharing, and storing. In this post, I’ll show what the buttons are like and how easy they are to add. Print My Blog does such a good […]
What did I do to get my plugin Print My Blog to 1,000 active installs in a year? Here’s what I think helped, and even a few things I think didn’t.
Print My Blog 1.12.0 makes posts printed with embedded YouTube videos look much better than in standard printouts. In this post I’ll describe the problem with printing videos, how the WordPress Plugin Print My Blog solves it, and how you can replicate it in your posts.
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use Print My Blog plugin and dotEPUB browser extension to convert an entire WordPress blog or website into an eBook. Why would I want an eBook of My Blog? Blogs are great, but eBooks can be read offline keep track of your progress allow you to highlight […]
Have you ever been on a plugin page, and seen a link saying “Donate to this plugin”? You probably didn’t click it. Nearly none of us do. But why not? You probably think you should, but something is preventing you. In this article, I explore the reasons we rarely donate to software we depend on, and what can be done about it.
So you have a blog to share your stories with friends, family, and the world. Great. But will it still exist in 50 years? How about 100? Most likely it will fall victim to the “Digital Dark Age“, and won’t be available. Your grandfather’s memoirs written on paper might be more accessible than your blog. […]
Will your blog survive the Digital Dark Age? Print My Blog is a WordPress Plugin aimed at helping your blog’s content be around for future generations.